Users Manual

Greenbean Users Manual

Installation if a simple process and requires the following steps:

  1. Procure a Greenbean Integration Gateway.
  2. Procure a Greenbean REST API GUID licence.
  3. Configure your firewall or have your IT department do so to allow outgoing traffic to the Greenbean server located at utilizing Port 1337.
  4. Configure the Greenbean Integration Gateway.  Likely the only thing you will need to do is set the REST API GUID.
  5. Install a Content Management System of your choice.  Currently, we have only released the integration plugin for concrete5 which is available at the concrete5 marketplace, however, are planning on releasing similar plugins for WordPress, Joomla, and others.  Like these power CMS applications, the integration plug is free and open source.
  6. Access the admin panel of the CMS and click the Greenbean link.
  7. A form will be presented to allow you to enter you REST API GUID.
  8. You are now communicating!
  9. You will now need to discovery BACnet objects on your network and define points to reflect these objects which is described elsewhere.


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